CC is a cupcake-a tasty single-serving cake with a carefree and resourceful nature. CC always looks on the bright side of any situation. She thinks of herself as Cake5's leader.
GBM is a holiday superstar, but actually he's sort of quite around people. He has a good imagination and special insight into things. He likes cycling and photography and birds.
Taro is a lovely flaskey pastry with a tasty filling and a pleasant disposition. He is fond of skiing, music, and magic tricks. He also enjoys reading books and talking with animals.
Rainbow is delicious handmade tri-color cake. He's an expert dancer with a superior sense of balance and flaxibility. A little careless at times, he sometimes gets lost in time and space.
Brownie has studied many subjects. He's especially interested in scinece and oceanography. He's an avid acuba diver and loves swimming. He likes ice cream and taking naps.
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!